Today was the beginning of the end of the trip. Fiona is leaving us to fly back to UK to be at work on Monday. Bob left early to get home to Thorley, taking Jim with him. Michael had driven to Half Moon Bay last night, thinking that was where we were, so he missed Fort Bragg. Alan was apparently unable to reach his sister in Portland, so he continues with us to Cambria.
It was beautiful this morning in Fort Bragg and we looked forward to having a nice breakfast in Mendocino, which we did after a drive out to the Mendocino headlands with the Belgians in hot pursuit. Those who missed this town, missed a beautiful place.



Callie and Colin, as well as John and Gayle, Paul and Marie Isabelle and Manu and Annick dropped in at the restaurant,and were soon on their way, as they had already had breakfast at our hotel.
The drive to Cloverdale by the wineries was pretty, but even tho' the road had been recently paved, it still had lots of bumps in it making it a not so nice drive. The roads seem to have been paved, but no one bothered to fix the problems in them- like painting without sanding. Others went to Steve R's organizer of MOA I, II, III.for lunch, which I was very sorry to miss- but we were so late by this time and Philip had become very frustrated with the off-ramps and construction, that we figured they would have already left to see his other cars in Geyserville.
The drive to Half Moon Bay was hot, but nice to cross over the Golden Gate Bridge and head down to what is reported to be a nice motel in Half Moon Bay.
After spending the night at home tonight, we are switching to the BMW convertible tomorrow, and will meet up with them and the Northern California Club for the journey down the coast to MogWest at Cambria.
Hope you got some lap time with the babies. Mine had been sort of avoiding me lately, but today they've taken turns as velcro cats. Needless to say, I haven't done anything but browse the computer. Who can turn down lap time?