June came in about 7:30 AM to fix breakfast- delicious apricot scones, cheese omelets, fruit in cream, and coffee.
Fiona and Anne arrived about 8:30 and I guess we were supposed to have shared breakfast
with them. They went to the Barkerville restaurant, where June paid their bill. The drivers meeting had been postponed until 9 AM so we could all eat, but those who managed to get the first breakfast in the St. George hotel, headed out early. Linda had waited for us, and George and Kathy just finished at the other B&B in Barkerville. It was a "tree' drive most of the day, until we got into the valley just before Lillioet.
Lunch was at A and W, with ice cream at Clinton. Once we arrived in our hotel, thankfully with a private bath, we showered and went to dinner at the local Greek restaurant. I am getting very sensitive about plans being made, then being changed, and then feeling left out, something I have been trying very hard not to let it affect me. I didn't hear any stories at dinner of tickets being given, fire alarms being set off, or other excitement for the day. Dasymae ran fine other than a very noise backfire just after Linda filled her with petrol.